The effectiveness and advantages of non-operative treatment may depend on how they are being used. 非手术疗法的有效性与优势取决于如何被有效运用。
Objective To investigate the feasibility of the non-operative treatment to be used to sympathetic cervical spondylosis. 目的探讨退行性下颈椎不稳在交感型颈椎病中的作用及手术治疗的效果。
Mason Type ⅰ and Type ⅱ Radial Head Fractures: A Comparative Study on Non-operative Treatment MasonⅠ、Ⅱ型桡骨小头骨折非手术治疗的比较研究
Non-operative Treatment of Splenic Rupture: Clinical Analysis of 30 patients 非手术治疗外伤性脾破裂30例临床分析
Clinical Analysis of Non-operative Treatment for Elderly Patients with Stercoral Obstruction of Colon 老年粪石性肠梗阻非手术治疗临床分析
Conclusion The importance of operation should not be neglected when non-operative treatment is stressed. 结论对病情不重的急性胆源性胰腺炎,可先行非手术治疗后,再行手术治疗。
Clinical study of hemocoagulase on non-operative treatment of traumatic splenic broken 立止血在外伤性脾破裂非手术治疗中应用的临床研究
Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Abdominal Acupuncture treatment for the treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation, and to gain further improvement on therapeutic effect of non-operative treatment for Lumbar Disc Herniation ( LDH) by experience. 目的:观察和评价腹针对腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效,并对其进行总结,以期进一步提高保守治疗腰椎间盘突出症的疗效。
Objective: To study the clinical effect and value of non-operative treatment of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine for treating acute severe pancreatitis. 目的:探讨中西医结合非手术疗法治疗重症急性胰腺炎的临床疗效与价值。
Results: The operative or non-operative treatment was respectively adopted for different cases. 结果不同患者采取手术、非手术方法治疗。
Non-operative treatment of splenic trauma in children 儿童外伤性脾破裂非手术疗法探讨
Non-operative treatment was used to treat 7 cases of single rupture of the spleen with satisfactory results. 非手术方法治愈单纯性脾破裂7例。
On the non-operative treatment for bleeding of blunt abdomenal trauma 腹部钝性损伤出血非手术治疗的病例选择
Retrospective analyzed on clinical data of20 non-operative treatment cases, 7 operative cases and4 EST treatment cases. 回顾性分析非手术治疗20例,手术治疗7例,EST治疗4例的临床资料。
Analysis of 36 cases of non-operative treatment of traumatic rupture of liver 外伤性肝破裂非手术治疗36例分析
The non-operative treatment for 3 cases was successful. 术后均无扭转复发,无吻合口漏。3例非手术治疗均获成功。
Non-operative Treatment of 24 Cases of Splenic Rupture Caused by Trauma 外伤性脾破裂24例非手术治疗体会
Conclusions: The non-operative treatment is eligible for patients without pancreatic infection or biliary obstruction. 结论:非手术治疗适用于诊断明确、无胰腺及胰周感染、无明显胆道梗阻的病人;
Conclusion: Non-operative treatment of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine is a safe and well effective method for treating acute severe pancreatitis. 结论:中西医结合非手术疗法治疗重症急性胰腺炎是一种安全、高效的治疗方法。
It is indicated that transurethral laser therapy is one of main methods for non-operative treatment of prostatic hyperplasia. 认为经尿道激光术是治疗BPH非开放手术的主要方法之一。
Non-operative Treatment for Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus Complicated with Nervus and Vascular Injuries 非手术治疗并发血管神经损伤的肱骨髁上骨折
Non-operative treatment for acute traumatic intracranial hematoma a review of 78 cases 急性外伤性颅内血肿78例非手术治疗探讨
Non-operative Treatment for Adhesive Ileus: A Summary of 48 Cases 非手术疗法治疗粘连性肠梗阻48例小结
Operative and non-operative treatment for fracture of femoral shaft in children 儿童股骨干骨折手术与非手术治疗
Objective To explore the effects of non-operative treatment of splenic rupture. 目的探讨脾破裂的非手术治疗。
Acute Traumatic Intracranial Hematoma with Non-operative Treatment ( Report of 287 Cases) 非手术治疗急性外伤性颅内血肿(附287例报告)
Nursing care of patients with osteoarthritis during non-operative treatment period 骨性关节炎病人非手术治疗期间的护理
Cholangiocarcinoma is not sensitive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, some other non-operative treatment is also difficult to get ideal effect. 胆管癌对放化疗不敏感,其他一些非手术疗法也难以取得理想效果。